Thinking of the mayor of that TX town who told residents to "get off their asses" & stop asking for "handouts" in response to historically low temps in TX that are *literally* killing people...too many ppl on the Right are imposing "survival of the fittest" ideology on society...
Why else would they politicize mask-wearing during a pandemic? Why else would conservatives drag their feet on relief packages for Americans who are facing homelessness and hunger? Why else would they relentlessly push deregulation, privatization, and/or monetization of...
Basic necessities?...
As I've said many times before, GOP/conservative ideology tends to appeal to those w fascist leanings and many soft fascists have found a home in the Republican Party. Given fascism's drive toward rigid social hierarchies, what better way to sort people...
Into their rightful categories on the social ladder than to shred the social safety net while a deadly virus rages unchecked and an unusually harsh winter has large swaths of the country sitting under a polar vortex? According to many people on the Right, only those who "deserve"
To live will survive under a number unprecedented threats to social stability.
"Undesirables" will fall away. The "tough" and the "strong" will take their rightful place at or near the top of the hierarchy. And those already at the top, will have even more wealth and power.
Make no mistake...Greg Abbott and the TX GOP are not incompetent. They are cold-bloodedly exploiting current circumstances in order to reenact "Atlas Shrugged."
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