What is negativity of subconscious and how to beat it ??

Your subconscious is a part of you that has the imprints of you life events.

Good or bad it's all there ingrained to your deeper self.

The power of subconscious is such that it can greatly affect your current behaviors if you don't root them out.
Most often it affects you unknowingly.

You're unaware of why you are doing what you're doing.

Fortunately your behaviors can tell you where it's coming from.
So what are the signs ???

1. Extreme thinking.

You're thought pattern for anything always seems to suggest the extreme.

People are either too good or too bad for you.
There are lot many things in life that cannot be straight up black or white. There's a lot of greys that are in between.

But you're unable to see them since subconscious interferes with your thinking based of past experiences.
2. Addictions.

You're constantly looking for escape routes to hide from what you're feeling.

You shop like crazy, eat like hell, gain weight, binge watch, drink and what not.
3. Anxiety, mood swings, judgement issues

Often you start worrying about things that may or may not happen.
Your fear for little things, your thinking turns irrational

You focus only the negatives of any situation.

This is your subconscious bubbling up and leaving you unstable
Now the fix. How do you beat this ???
1. Environment.

Your subconscious is fed by your environment.

Your current situations, people around you, trigger it to bring back your old ingrained negative thoughts.

Surround yourself with positivity. Ditch anything that's negative
2. Feed your subconscious.

Now that you've fixed your environment, start feeding your subconscious with an overload of positivity.

Wait a moment before you jump to conclusions. Ask your friends and family to alert you for any negative behavior.
Look for the positive in any situation, stay rational, counter your thoughts with logic.

3. Get creative

Pick up something that'll keep you busy and also bring some value to your life.
Get yourself a new book, read something amazing. Spend some time learning a new skill that'll help you.

Start looking for solutions, resolve your disputes. Value your relationships. Spend quality time with your family.
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