Ur a total beginner like me, but u want to do a @bubble project. Where and how to start?!

Sure, it's #nocode, but it can be damn intimidating. As promised, here's a thread about how I approached the learning process to build the Pathline MVP.

(some helpful links at the bottom)
0/ The project

If u haven't looked at the product yet, check out this thread first to get a better idea of the product -> lots of nice gifs haha.

About me? Mechanical engineer by training. Started getting into no-code at end of last year. https://twitter.com/thatdudedenis/status/1361343263513452545?s=20
0.5/ Pre-work + context

I had been working on this project for 2-3 months already, talking to coaches, HR, mapping out workflow and database structure in @MiroHQ, making mock-ups in @figmadesign, etc. Do all that stuff first to get organized, or else you’ll waste time later.
1/ First 2 days in bubble

Because I was starting literally from ZERO, had to start with the basics 🐣

Bubble has a lot of dece content:
- 10X intro videos
- 12X interactive lessons to understand the interface (EZ + hard mode)
- Relevant "how to build X"(Airbnb, Zocdoc for me)
2/ Browse some templates

Others may have differing thoughts about this, but for a first timer, starting with templates saved me a shitload of time. Costs nothing to try some free ones - I tried one before going with the @AirDevCo starter template. More on that in a later thread!
3/ Spend time understanding how the template works

U need to understand:
A/ experience when deployed (preview the page flows)
B/ how things are working in the back (editor/database)
C/ parts to keep/change

Focus on element tree, conditionals, database (DB), pages, and workflows
4/ Get a few simplish tasks under ur belt first

Confidence is nice, and u need it.

Stuff like successfully creating some users, changing some words in the sign-up/log-in process, etc will get you familiar with actually implementing changes.
5A/ Start doing real stuff, pt 1

Construct ur DB based on the structure u made in miro. This'll be a best guess, and you'll for sure have to change stuff as u go, but nice to set stuff up.

Create the data types and fields, and some sample app data.

Tip in GIF 😉
5B/ Start doing real stuff, pt 2

Wireframe -> bubble page. This involves a ton of back + forth between figma, editor, preview, and google 😅

Each time I got stuck on something -> GOOGLE time. Almost always the answer could be found on bubble forum (at top of the results).
5C/ Start doing real stuff, pt 3

Plugins and people who share editor links are your best friends. Plugins don’t always have the best documentation so look to the forum for info. Project links are great bc u can copy paste elements with workflows 🤩
6/ Oh shit, planning...

Endish of 1st wk I realized, I need to plan this shit out. Time for a gantt in @NotionHQ.

I broke up the project up into large bricks and intentionally planned so that complex stuff came 1st, with easier/optional stuff at end. As u can see...📆 = hard.
7/ Back to work

Now with a plan in place, I could really stay focused on task and work on what was important.

I started getting in a rhythm and crushing through stuff. I kept a backlog of stuff I ended up deciding was not essential for an MVP, safekeeping for later.
8/ Adding features

Great thing with bubble -> easy to add features, add fields to data types, etc. So when I was asked to add exercises to be filled out by users and seen by coaches, I was like 👌👌👌

If it doesn’t affect the base structure of ur database, u should be fine!
9/ Finishing touches

I realized at the end: there were a bunch of cases I hadn’t actually thought through in wireframe phase. 🤦‍♂️

I only had standard case, now had to do a bunch of conditional hide/show stuff to be sure at any step of the user journey, she sees the right stuff.
10/ Summary of recs for a beginner

Start with basics, but then learn by doing. Plan ur project ahead of time. Tackle each problem as it comes, via Google search -> forums, videos, tutorials.

🎁 here’s a list of links that helped me along my journey https://coda.io/@thatdudedenis/helpful-links-from-that-dude-denis
I hope this was helpful and gets some of u started on ur bubble journey 😁

2 more threads in the oven 🥖:
1/ calendar/appt deep dive
2/ my experience with the AirDev canvas starter template

Let me know what you'd want to see more/less of! (knowing that this one was for noobs)
You can follow @thatdudedenis.
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