RIP, Rush. Immensely talented.
Quick story about how talented and engaging Rush was: One summer while I was in college, I was working with a hardcore liberal. To troll him, I’d play Rush’s show as we drove around together. It was my car after all. My buddy made it known how much he haaaaaated it...
On one of these occasions, we were listening to Rush firing on all cylinders about some issue of the day. Mid-segment, I had to turn down the radio to take a phone call. When the call ended, it had slipped my mind that we’d been listening to Rush...
After a short beat, the *other guy* reached down & turned the volume back up. Shocked, I looked at him — like, ‘did you just turn Rush back ON?’ He looked at me, flushed with quasi-embarrassment. “I just wanted to know what he was going to say!”
...and THAT, friends, is “talent on loan from God.” #RIP
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