Millennials are the only generation where housing affordability is 35% of a dual income household.

People will have to literally partner up for basic shelter. Most don't realize how problematic that is.

It's regression, sold as progress.
2/ It's going to be a lot worse for Gen Z too if governments still rely on expanding credit for housing.

People aren't going to have the luxury of finding a partner they like. They're going to find partners out of necessity, and can't leave unless they're rich.
3/ Overall this is going to be a long-term drag on social satisfaction.

What happens when you have angry people that realize they're in the same boat as everyone else, but they know their lives all suck?
4/ You get political extremes. Not what *you* think is extreme today. Real extremes.

You think Trump was bad? Wait until you see what results from building a society around the rate banks can issue loans.

Trump is going to seem like a puppy in ten years.
5/ Gustav Stresemann, first foreign minister of the Weimar Republic declared, "Now we have a Republic, the problem is we have no Republicans."

They brought about democracy, but no one was happy with the results. They silenced extremists though. They did this by printing money.
6/ The printing made Weimar "political stability" from 1924 to 1929. Of course, things were only fine on paper – not in reality.

You know the rest of the story.
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