We opened our hotline today and had fewer calls than normal. This is due to the fact 1.) that the majority of the clinics we work with in TX are closed and so appts are being delayed to next week and 2.) people are without electricity and cannot reach out for support right now.
It does NOT mean that ppl *don't* need abortion care and other forms of health care right now. Just because we're in a crisis doesn't mean the need for abortion just goes away. That's not how this works. For some, needing an abortion rn could mean one crisis on top of another.
What this DOES mean: our call volume will skyrocket when clinics re-open + people regain power. This means we will see higher demand & will need to do everything we can to support callers. If they had appts this week that got rescheduled, their costs could be higher.
We also have a social worker on staff who supports our clients with connection to resources like housing, food assistance, diapers, etc and emotional support. We offer these wrap around forms of support because people who call us not only need ab care but other basic needs.
These needs will become more dire as time goes on, as will the need for timely abortion access. Please consider supporting your local abortion funds. You can donate to http://lilithfund.org/donate  to support our work in central and southeast TX. We are based in Austin, Houston, & SA.
Pls support yr local mutual aid groups. And do not forget about people who need abortion access during natural disasters and emergency moments like these. Abortion (and the people who need them) get forgotten and thrown under the bus so regularly. We cannot let that happen.
You can follow @lilithfund.
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