In the lead up to the BC election last fall the chief electoral officer insisted on meeting with the party representatives on the electoral advisory committee to seek input on the rule changes they thought were needed for an election.
No one freaked out that they were politicizing elections - much like our system, this is part of the elections act and the CEO thought it was important because of all the changes they were making to the rules and the need for consultation and fairness.
There are publicly-available minutes, nothing was done in secret. The whole system didn’t just rely on a “conversation” between the premier and the CEO.
We could learn from other jurisdictions, sure, but we could also just follow our own legislation.
Mr. Chaulk has not been granted the same powers to adapt to the pandemic in our election act as is the case elsewhere - that’s something that might have been discoverable under public scrutiny.
Instead we always just wing it; NL premiers always choose their power over process, and we all pay the price.
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