"I never would have known that the love between Joe and Jill Biden isn't authentic at all and instead a clever public-relations gambit made to obscure the fact that the First Lady is actually the President's caretaker. That's the thesis of Tucker Carlson's segment." -- TBL
Carlson's segment is 11 minutes. The actual thesis of the segment is that the mainstream media is corrupt and fawning in its coverage of Biden-Harris administration. It's not until the 8-minute mark that Carlson mocks the media's portrayal of Biden's perfect marriage and family.
The Biden love-climate change line is sarcasm and a throwaway line. It's not central to his point that the media is corrupt and fawning in its coverage of the Biden-Harris administration.
I don't watch much live TV other than live sports. I follow the news through social media and website headlines. You have to really dig deep and do your own research to get close to any sort of truth.
Here's what I found interesting about the Carlson monologue. He's transitioning into becoming the Jon Stewart of this era. He's making his points with humor, snark and sarcasm. His show-opening monologues are becoming an event.
I used to wonder what Stewart would say to start his show. I now feel that way about Carlson's open. Stewart loved to ridicule the media. Now Carlson does. That is all.
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