Leadership is hard work!

And leading virtual teams can present unique obstacles.

Here are 7 things the best leaders are doing right now.

1. Deliver Good News Quickly

People need good news right now. If you have an opportunity to recognize someone, do it as quickly as possible.

- Text
- Video
- Voice Memo

Whatever works for you.

Be genuine and urgent.
2. Make Regular Check-In Calls a Priority

Call your team with the sole intention of seeing how they are doing.

Make them daily or weekly, as long as you make them consistently.

- “I just called to see how you are doing”
- Avoid assumptions
- Just listen
3. Tell People You Believe in Them

You may be sensing a trend. There is a lot of focus on positivity.

That is because people need POSITIVE ENERGY right now.

- Remind them of their strengths
- Remind them why you hired them
- Remind people of the value they bring to the team

End your conversations with “I know you can do this.”

Send text messages saying, “I believe in you.” or “You got this.”

It means a lot and can quickly make a positive impact on a team's culture.

Yes, you need engagement. That should be an expectation.

But know that Zoom fatigue is real.

If people want to turn their cameras off, let them.

Your team will appreciate it.
5) Focus on the outcomes, not the work

There is no need to try and account for what is going on every hour of every day.

If you are still trying to micro-manage, this is the sign you've been looking for.

It is time to stop.
Instead, do this:

- Set clear expectations
- Coach them where they need it
- Recognize them when they crush it

Be the leader focused on their development.
6) Create (Optional) Happy Hours

Don't assume that everyone will or won't be interested in a social hour.

Some will look forward to the gatherings more than others.

Get creative. Have fun.

Pro Tip: Do it during a time you already have a meeting scheduled.
7) Be Empathetic and Actively Listen

During your meetings:

- Close your browser
- Listen to understand
- Put your phone away

You won't have as many body cues to focus on, so be sure to pay as much attention to how things are being said as you are to what is being said.
Now I want to hear from you.

What would you add?

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