News from France: after Orban, Erdogan and a couple of other not-so-democratic heads government, Macron and his crowd are taking aim at academic freedom. 1/7
Today's focus is "islamo-leftism": a term that is supposed to mean - I believe - that there is some kind of collusion between leftist politicians (and academics?) and radical Islam. It is often quoted in the same sentence as "intersectionality", "postcolonialism" etc. 2/7
A salutary reaction by the conference of university presidents - not usually considered to be a radical leftist institution - wonders how the term "islamo-leftism" made it from the far-right to the ministry of Education and calls for some common sense 6/7
In the meantime, this puts stress on underfunded universities in the already very difficult context of the pandemic. It moreover puts at risk fundamental values and civic liberties for the sake of an upcoming reelection bid. 7/7
And just to add a little juice to it: CNRS - yep, the ones who are supposed to investigate "islamo-leftism" - just published a press statement arguing that it does not exist.
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