Without any fanfare the UK-EU Joint Consultative Working Group established by the Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland met on 29 January.

We know this from a matter-of-fact response from @PennyMordaunt to a written question from @LouHaigh


This is an important moment; the JCWG is integral to the institutional framework for managing the Protocol.

Moreover, the JCWG is a unique UK-EU body and if it functions properly its monthly meetings will provide valuable opportunities for Northern Ireland's interests on the Protocol to be discussed with the EU.

If the JCWG is to play a role in reassuring people that NI's interests are being considered, more needs to be known about its work. For the first meeting, no agenda or list of participants was published, nor was a statement issued on what the first meeting discussed.

Perhaps a summary of the minutes will be published in due course. The rules of procedure allow for this.


We'll see what happens with the JCWG

We may need to rely on what Junior Ministers in the Northern Ireland Executive (NIE) provide the Northern Ireland Assembly's Committee for the Executive Office with details of JCWG's monthly meetings.

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