how hoseok delivers hope and the faith for prosperity and triumph in piece of peace: a thread

disclaimer: these are my thoughts and interpretations, they dont have to be the actual intentions of the song it's just the way I thought it could be seen, feel free to add any thoughts if you want!!! I'd love to read them
let's start with the context of the song first. piece of peace is introduced after hoseok gives us a rundown of his own worth and how he sees himself in hope world, he delivers the happiness hes in and the way he built himself up from difficulties he faced
he moves on through the second song in hope world, meaning he goes on to another step of his being giving the listener a way to explore his mind and thoughts filled with happiness, melancholy, love and life. Hope world as a whole feels so ALIVE it feels like a heartbeat
in piece of peace hoseok explains how he wants to be part of the puzzle pieces that make out the pieces of other peoples peace. he shows his mind working in takes ( as in those you film in a movie) to show the developement of oneself when starting th path of a dream
one where you first have to find yourself in order to truly know what you want and what your dream is (which very much reminds me of ego) and when saying "we make NG (No Good)" as in no mistakes he means it ironically by using the word "movie like life" its inevitable
he stretches ou the "G-eeee" note and then runs it back and says of course everyone is bound to make mistakes, that is part of ones developement as much as knowing your dream and untangling your soul is and referring to the lyrics "where theres hope theres trial"
he starts picking up pace in his delivery as if climbing a hill to find the top and for the listener to follow him, as if the thought of making "no mistakes" slows you down rather than guides you because mistakes make us
in this, I had the feeling hoseok wanted to cheer for the listener in one way but also explain to him that the hard mistakes, the blockade and missteps are quick faded away by the those who see our success when they're naturally part of us, easily ignored by other when that's
should cheer us on for. piece of peace is just very very confronting, in a way not only is hoseok saying I want to be part of your peace but I want to make you realize that YOU are your own peace in which I add my own one too so it complements one another and how he alludes to +
the piece of cake as much as a cake fills you, your life & your knowledge of yourself and your dream those fill you up as well and he repeats it again and again to reminds the listener because the whole prechorus and the way he delivers the verse builds up to the "piece of peace"
and that's where he states his goal, after listening to the first song of hope world seeing how his success and the spotlight came of his sweat blood and tears he wants other to find a peace of mind and peace for the world
this part is definitely my favorite part in POP how PERSONAL this is, hoseok believes he wants to be a hope, light for those struggling through social & economic problems especially the youth, the pressure, the lack of wanting to go to steps foward & the mental health issues
he mentions the economic problems, how youth, which he was part of as well is suffering because there is not jobs available for them, how the scale is always higher for the next generations to come and the lack of uprising against exploiting systems like thse
he uses both contradicting points "peace and war" to make the reader understsnd the peace we see as a utopia is only explainable because were living an own war trying to demolish the systems that destroy us and instead of going those steps forward we take steps back
those minimal wages where we pour out heart out to make the last of us survive, it's truly a survival rather a life to be lived whihc is why he compares it with "death" because there is no true dream behind this monotony
and hoseok reassures that these systematic problems do not mean we as a person are failures, and that we should faces our hardships because they make us who we are and that's where goes over to the chorus
and he adds that he will fo anything to be someones piece of love, life, self finding and own inner peace
and that's when he finishes the song with hope and love, in the end with all these trials we face he wishes for the world to be a better plays and he holds the burden of wanting to make it one especially for the listener
he feels a responsibility and theres this huge pressure that comes along with it. I feel like hoseok wants to bear this pressure and this depth knowing it can make others happy, gaining their joy is worth more than anything to him that's his mission
the song ends again with "piece of peace" as the last aspect being mentioned and it feels triumphant because after having gone through these layers of what makes a problem in this society and what the steps are to find yourself we can now take the road to doing that with him
this song is a ver very good start for hope world as an album, being introduced to his hearts most precious desire and following along with daydream makes it a perfect transition
even in the way hobi delivers this song, his emotion even when he speaks about the issues that frustrate his you can hear his angriness at the world and when he sings the chorus in a reliving way, ig feels like flight and liberty and that's where the listener wants to go
I hope this could show you how beautiful the song is hoseok's truly an amazing person and delivers his message in the most comforting but also eye opening ways I love him
I got the lyrics translation from doolset
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