White men, when we say we don't want you to write all the blogs and books, it isn't because we don't think you have unique and interesting things to say. You do.

You've just never been taught to sort your unique experience from the shit everyone knows.
Unless you inhabit other marginalization, like disability, you've been affirmed your entire life for every mundane thing you've said. And that means you haven't been pushed to your depth.

Being challenged on every idea makes us stronger.
The first thoughts that come into any of our heads are truly not as interesting as the second, third, fourth, and fifth thoughts. But you've mostly been given A's for your first thoughts, and never pushed yourself to the others. We who are not white men have.
So when we say you're mediocre, we don't mean your intrinsic ability, your worth as a human, or your potential for greatness. We the world has coddled your intellectual ego, and that has made you weak and sloppy.
But you *do* have unique experiences, important things to say, perspectives to share. You are just going to have to push much deeper than you ever have to find them.

But please do. They're in there. And they will benefit us all when you do.
Meanwhile, let's celebrate when other people get book deals, positions, speaking gigs, etc. Those other perspectives will help you find yours. And make our world a better place. Maybe even help you see God a new way.
You can follow @lura_groen.
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