Thread: Why cabbies are the only losers in these Twitter spats:
- Driving a taxi is a career represented by a few organisations.
- Riding a bike is not.
Cyclists can be doing it for sport, fun, commuting and utility. They might also be motorists and taxi users. They could also do just about any career. They might serve your coffee in the morning, they might present the TV show you watch, they might be your kid's teacher.
They might run an expense account that processes thousands of pounds of taxi claims.
They might be marketing agency managers who buy ads on the sides of taxis.

They could be traffic engineers or planners.
They almost certainly will have family, friends and colleagues who they speak to who will be influenced by their opinions.
So when the taxi trade viciously fight infrastructure that keeps us and our children safe, and when they abuse people online, the implications are enormous. Much bigger than their next fare.
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