It’s Feb. 17, 2020. The POTUS, who won a popular vote, has already warned of us the airborne virus. It’s a 9/11 moment, & she’s invited GOP into planning. Defense Production act has been making masks, which govt is mailing out. We’re going to have a lockdown, but we’re preparing.
The lockdown starts tomorrow. US gov't, following best global practices, is guaranteeing 60% income for those unable to work. Shld be more, but that's what our gov't does. Compliance isn't total--some Republicans believe Pres. Clinton is a Jewish space laser.
But overall, it's pretty good. Sen. Mitt Romney, a powerful voice in GOP after fighting Pres. Clinton & compromising, declares that he doesn't believe she's a Jewish space laser. Ted Cruz says there's room for disagreement, but personally, he doesn't think so either.
Senate bipartisan barbershop quartet quadruples and tapes a pro-masking message a la the '85 Chicago Bears' "Superbowl Shuffle." The nation, in lockdown, unites in contempt. The situation seems dire -- total cases surpass *1,000.* Nobody really believed it could be this bad.
Globally, the situation is even worse--cases are in the *tens* of thousands. But the U.S. & China are in a kind of public health arms race, each jockeying for global soft power by distributing masks & health supplies.
After 6 weeks of lockdown, cases dwindle to zero. April 1, the country cautiously emerges for a day of national mourning. Death toll is devastating. More than 700 Americans lost. The president reads their names. The NYT dedicates the whole front section to their pictures.
Many say this death wasn't necessary. If only President Clinton had acted when she knew, in December, instead of waiting until January. 700 dead on her watch. Her re-election looks precarious. Meanwhile, as in New Zealand & S. Korea, a nation returns to brunch, largely unscathed.
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