Update from partners: since November these Palestinian families have tried to rebuild their homes, with EU & @Irish_Aid support. But Israeli bulldozers just came right back and destroyed them all over again - 60 people, incl 35 children, homeless. Where is the EU response? https://twitter.com/conoraon/status/1323967438959071236
See photos from my colleague @jennychiggins @MdM_France, or @saritm0 @btselem. EU diplomats and Palestinian families watch as humanitarian aid - paid for by us, repeatedly - is confiscated. https://twitter.com/jennychiggins/status/1361625015448444931
The result is a grim, common sight seen right across the West Bank: @Irish_Aid & EU logos sat atop piles of rubble, once homes & schools. A culture of near total impunity allows this to happen - grave breaches of international law met with short statements & no real consequences.
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