Yes but if you let the poors have free food, how will they learn the value of a hard day’s work?
All joking aside, this is such a perfect example of the dysfunction of capitalism: allegedly “free” enterprise relying on state coercion to stop hungry people from getting its trashed products for free.
Our system is fabulously over-productive. Ostensibly, prices should fall to match over-supply. But capitalism doesn’t incentivize efficiency; it incentivizes the efficient pursuit of *profits.* So raise prices to reflect scarcity and then trash the excess to create that scarcity.
If some customers pay a lot for the product, but others get it free (from a dumpster!), then the paying customers will start to wonder why *they* have to pay so much. And then profits will go down! And capitalism incentivizes them to behave like psychopaths.
“B-b-but Possum, it’s not their fault, it’s the state! It’s bureaucracy/laws/etc forever that interfere with business and force private enterprise to act like this!” - libertarians
Shut up, nerds! Who do you think writes the laws and regulations that govern these firms? The lobbyists these firms hire and the politicians these firms donate to. Those rules are to protect the firms from litigation and preserve profits, not help the public.
And that’s why the cops are there, agents of the state at public expense, to guard fucking dumpsters to stop hungry people from eating. Really struggling to imagine that this is what the cops expected to be doing when they signed up, but that’s late stage capitalism for you. 🤷‍♂️
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