Poorly designed research is unethical.

It is unethical to the participants.

It is unethical to those consuming it.

It is unethical to those whose decisions are influenced.

It is unethical to those who are impacted by those decisions.

It is unethical to the science community.
Research design is an ethics issue, and I will absolutely die on this hill.

Sorting out what is and isn't weak design is (usually) EXTREMELY HARD TO DO, and shouldn't be attempted without well-thought-out frameworks and experience.

Also, it is possible to ethically produce weak designs (scientific progress often happens this way)
Some SUPER important feedback from @ambilinski that I wanted to share (with permission, thank you Alyssa!!!!).

There are careful balancing acts here; always need to reflect on how we produce both a welcoming and inclusive research community that is also accountable.
The two aren't necessarily even trade-offs either, and I can't imagine any system of accountability working that systematically pushes women, racial and social groups that are under-represented, etc away.

Alyssa's correction holding me accountable is an excellent example of why.
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