1] Ahead of E3-US FM meeting on #Iran tomorrow:
> Seems unlikely this will culminate in significant public political/economic gesture that prevents Tehran from going ahead with some restrictions to int. inspections of nuclear program. But there's still time for damage limitation. https://twitter.com/EllieGeranmayeh/status/1362023052217884674
2] Feb deadline re APII on cards for months + in absence of economic relief Iran's leaders feel compelled to move ahead. Despite #Biden, #Iran still faces #Trump era max pressure.
@rafaelmgrossi Tehran visit is opp. to reduce hit to #JCPOA *IF* he takes constructive E3/US msg.
3] E3/US should focus on providing Iran with some tangible economic relief in immediate term- esp in humanitarian space. If this can be done in coming weeks & msg sent clearly to #Iran, could help minimise impact to quality of #IAEA inspections regardless of APII announcement.
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