10 years ago today the Libyan people finally shook off the chains that had kept them down for 42 long painful years. Many mistakes have been made and obstacles put in the way since then, but the revolution continues, in spite of all those who conspire against it around the world
On this day 10 years ago there was no going back. The board was set, and there was only one path to follow till the end; to victory. The revolution is still going strong 10 years later and in the end Libya will win, and no drop of blood will have been in vain
The first large demonstration to take place in the revolution; in Benghazi on the 17/2/11. This was the start of something huge. What they chanted then still holds true today:
"The blood of the martyrs will not go in vain"
Still gives me chills 🥺
Tripoli after liberation
A nice thread for anyone who wants to watch more https://twitter.com/rayy_sr/status/1362079424896761860?s=19
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