American history and culture is under attack because some claim it is wrong to praise or uplift those who participated in activities distasteful today.

One problem with this cancellation of the past is that we are judging the leaders of the past by today’s ethics. That is
just as wrong!

But the more sinister plan (and it is a plan) in this attempt to erase the men and women of history is erasing the amazing accomplishment that is the United States.

History class destroyed the reality of history for many of us. All we saw was dates,
places and a test to make sure we could regurgitate those dates and places. We learned facts, but we didn’t learn feelings.

Would we have the courage today to separate from a despotic ruler and start our own country? History is about more than individuals and their acts,
it’s about a people committed to creating a new and better nation!

If they can cancel the people, they can cancel the reality of what it took to create a FREE nation. If they cancel the past, they can cancel the pride we should have in this Country and destroy freedom.
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