I've still seen very few admissions that press overwhelmingly got Covid-19 coverage wrong. They rewarded optics over getting it right. They made a hero out of a Governor that consistently got it wrong, and a villain out of one that got the big stuff right.
It wasn't just one issue. That was my frustration with both the Cuomo and DeSantis coverage. Cuomo has had at least 10 different scandals that have gone undercovered. DeSantis took arrows for fighting for and being right re nursing homes, beaches, & schools reopening.
Officials in FL wanted to send patients back, DeSantis said no & instead ordered staff testing. When he opened beaches, giving people a safe outlet, he was accused of trying to kill people. He had to go to court against the union to get schools open, but he made it a priority.
Meanwhile, Cuomo delayed lockdown, ordered patients to be sent to nursing homes while banning them from testing, wrong on ventilators, took a victory tour w people dying, imposed arbitrary restrictions, tried to blame Jews & targeted religious groups, manipulated data etc etc.
It would have been outrageous for the press to even suggest their responses were comparable, much less that DeSantis failed and Cuomo succeeded. But that's the narrative they ran with for a year. And everyone knows why.
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