How to lose the Fear of Death

A Thread
What would you say if I tell you that you cannot die?

You'd probably tell me I'm crazy and that I should visit a graveyard to see for myself

But I would only find dead bodies there

And I guess you already know that you are not your body
You are something else. We can call it consciousness, awareness, spirit or whatever you like.

The question is are you going to stop to exist when your body stops to exist?
Before it gets too "whoo whoo" lets see what science says:

"Nothing is lost, nothing is created, everything is transformed“
- Antoine Lavoisier

“Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another.”
- Albert Einstein
There is no thing as totally existing or totally not existing.

When conditions are there things manifest. If conditions are not there things withdraw. They wait until the moment is right for them to manifest again.

Complex? Let me give you an example:
Imagine a silent room without a radio in it.

You would say there is no sound in this room

But the radio waves are already in there, even though you can't see them

There is one more condition necessary for the sound to manifest.

Add the radio and sounds will appear!

You see?
Only because we cannot perceive something it would be wrong to say it doesn’t exist
When the time of your body is over there is a condition missing for you to manifest

But it would be wrong to say you don’t exist anymore
Energy can’t be destroyed but only transformed

This is a law of physics

You can observe this everywhere in nature

Why do you think it doesn’t apply to you?
When you understand you can’t be destroyed you are getting liberated from fear

But it is not enough to understand it from an intellectual perspective alone

It takes practices and I am not there yet myself but I experience way less fear than I used to
Tomorrow I will show you 3 Exercises to embrace this view into your being so you can live more free from fear.

I know this is hard to wrap your mind around.. but do not reject it immediately, take some time to think about it
If you want to talk further about this or have any questions I am looking forward to receive a DM!

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