1. “How Did Prof Sam McConkey Go From Speaking Sense To Being A Fully Paid Up Member Of The Zero Covid Cult Crew (ZCCC)”

The answer to that question is contained within the film Jerry Maguire and Star Wars 🧵 1/21
2. Prof Sam McConkey is Associate Professor and Head of the Department of International Health and Tropical Medicine at the Royal College of Surgeons in Dublin https://www.rcsi.com/people/profile/smcconkey
3 He is a staunch advocate of the Zero Covid policy along with the likes of Tomas Ryan, Aoife McLysaght, Kingston Mills, Gerry Killeen and Anthony Staines. He has also appeared on Claire Byrne Live, Prime Time & The Tonight Show to share his pearls of wisdom on all things "Covid"
4. Like Tomas Ryan he has also received funding from the Wellcome Trust and is a Director of the European Vaccine Initiative (EVI), an organisation whose objective is “to spearhead global vaccine development efforts”. No conflict of interest there then.
6. Sam does like a bit of drama though, he said “If 1 in every 1,000 were to die, that would be like 4 jets going down in Dublin airport". What is it with these Zero Covid guys, Tomas Ryan even spoke of treating Covid cases like murder. Something quite sinister going on.
7. So we can see that Sam’s predictions are not his strong point. Even for the Covid “pandemic”, Sam estimated between 80,000 and 120,000 deaths. Last time I looked we were at 3,950. Just out by a factor of 30.
8. Hard as this is to believe, Prof McConkey did speak some sense back in March 2020. Initially, I thought I was hallucinating but then I listened and watched again and it is definitely him. Don’t believe me, listen to the 50 sec clip. https://twitter.com/TonightVMTV/status/1235212229412376577?s=20
9. In it he used language no Zero Covid Cult member would contemplating using. He spoke of "fun" & “keeping lives as normal as possible”, “doing sport & culture & music & business” as well as talking about the economy. He said “the economic consequences of this are huge”
10. Also in March on the Claire Byrne Live show he correctly said that "80 per cent of people who have the virus have very mild symptoms." https://twitter.com/ClaireByrneLive/status/1234615010191724544?s=20
12. But then something happened over the course of the Summer. He turned into Darth Vader and fully crossed to the dark side. I can only think the Govt & NPHET felt the need to recruit a few more agents with "cold hard cash" or other “incentives”
13. As Tom Cruise and Cuba Gooding Jr once said in “Jerry Maguire”

14. Come September you can notice a distinct change in attitude. Looks like somebody had a word. Sam seemed to be telling some porky pies. He said that we were suffering from excess deaths in Ireland. Even Miriam O Callaghan spoke sense in this clip. https://twitter.com/RTE_PrimeTime/status/1304185926164402176?s=20
15. In late September the Zero Covid crew were out in full force. Sadly for Darth Vader he ran into Dr Martin Feeley AKA Luke Skywalker and was what can only be described as “schooled”. He couldn’t muster any coherent argument to refute Dr Feeley. https://vimeo.com/463418688 
16. The public watching were probably scratching their heads saying “Why hasn’t anybody spoken about this before”. Even the comments in the Prime Time thread are very telling. As one person tweeted “Sam was roasted”. Another said “McConkey’s answers were just ridiculous"
17. Sadly, it was the last time that an opposing viewpoint has been allowed on RTE. NPHET & the Govt wanted to shut down the debate probably throwing RTE some extra cash into the bargain. We had been thrown some crumbs, now it was time to go back to the narrative.
18. Sam has had an easy ride ever since. Its always easy when there is no pushback, especially when none of the presenters challenge him. In November 2020, we began to see a new ZCCC “war cry” emerge.

“We can beat this. Get it down, and keep it down” https://twitter.com/SamuelMcConkey1/status/1329915564698038280?s=20
19. This mantra was then repeated in another tweet on January 27th

Get it down Keep it down Keep it out. We can get it down We can keep it down We can keep it out. Will we? https://twitter.com/SamuelMcConkey1/status/1354443105240543232?s=20
20. Now where did I see this before. That’s right, it was Tomas Ryan in an appearance on the Tonight Show on Feb 10th where he utters the exact same words. https://twitter.com/ThreadsIrish/status/1360213823232294914?s=20
21. There is no doubt that the ZCCC are all singing from the same hymn sheet

You can picture them in their masonic robes, masked up, practicing their chant on Zoom before they hit the airwaves 😀

They are all in it together. Let’s hope that good eventually triumphs over evil.
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