From a quick glance, Capricorn is very strong in his chart. Capricorn is rising. This makes Saturn his chart ruler, which is also in Capricorn. Jupiter is in his first house therefore it co-rules his chart. It is also in Capricorn.

There is also a Scorpio stellium involving...
...the sun. The sun alone in any sign makes it strong in the personality but when you have a stellium as well, it takes it to a new level.

His main personality sign is Capricorn, then Scorpio. Gemini comes in third because of the moon.

Capricorns are usually reserved, shy,...
...can be very cold and ruthless, hard working and many rise to positions of power. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn. Capricorn rules authority and structure. In addition, Scorpio rules power. His Scorpio stellium is placed in the 10th house of the career.

Many Capricorns usually...
...achieve a lot of success but with lots of hard work. This has to do with the energies of Saturn, as this planet brings success through struggle.

Capricorn rising shows a reserved demeanor. He is not one to flaunt his wealth or possessions. Capricorn is one of the most...
...reserved signs, unlike signs like Leo (boastful). Capricorn strong in his chart shows an unhappy childhood. Most Capricorns are usually pessimistic when they are young.

Another characteristic trait of Capricorns is diligence. After completing his studies at Amherst college.. America, he started a company called Kenya Wilham Ltd. which exported horticultural products. He'd wake up early in the morning, milk a cow and move around villages with a pick up truck buying vegetables which his company would export.

Capricorns are also very...
...materialistic. In addition, his chart ruler Saturn is in conjunction with the fixed star Terebellum.
This star makes one cunning when it comes to money matters and when prominent, there is usually great fortune but with guilt and shame.
When it comes to money, he will go to any length. This has been at the expense of the country. Capricorn also gives endurance. Capricorns have unmatched endurance. He had tried for very many years to rise to power, since 1997 and he finally managed though with assistance from...
...people like Moi (who appointed him to parliament and then as leader of KANU, boosting his political career).

His Libra Mercury shows that he is very tactful. This is why he keeps screwing the country and getting away with it. He knows how to do what he does.
His 10th house sun is very telling. The 10th house rules the career and the sun rules people who are in power (also Pluto). Examples of people with this placement include Donald Trump, Napoleon I, Albert II Prince of Monaco, George H. W. Bush and Luis XIV of France.

He also...
...has certain fixed stars prominent that bring political power. Sirius (13˚ of Cancer) is placed on his DC. This star brings high rank in government.
His Mercury is in conjunction with Spica and Arcturus, two stars that bring wealth and success. This is..
...important because Mercury rules his 6th house of work, so this shows that he was fated to work jobs that bring success and wealth. 

His Mars is in conjunction with the fixed star North Scale which brings honors and distinction

His 8th house Uranus is in conjunction with Regulus, a group of fixed stars that bring extreme wealth and power. This conjunction is in the 8th house of power.

In addition, Uranus aligns on the exact same degree as chart ruler Jupiter, 29˚.
Jupiter usually magnifies whatever it comes in contact with, in his case the rising to power and extreme wealth (his net worth is estimated at $500 million and this might be an underestimate).
Jupiter is a chart ruler which also makes it much stronger in its influence. Uranus...
...also rules his 2nd house of finances (Aquarius on cusp).

When something is strongly fated, it will appear repeatedly in a chart. Wega (brings wealth) is on his ascendant, Alpheratz (brings wealth and fame) is on his IC, Alphecca (gives talent in business) is on his Neptune...
...and his moon is in conjunction with the Hyades, a group of fixed stars that bring wealth. Wealth and success are all over his chart.

Algorab is the fixed star of pathological liars and it is placed on his MC. This not only makes him a liar but shows deception in his career,..
...since the MC is the cusp of the 10th house of the career. 
His Pluto is at 9˚ of Virgo, a very critical and malefic degree. This degree is also of the fixed star of suffering Zosma.

in astrology, the 5th house rules the first child, the 7th rules...
...the 2nd child, the 9th rules the 3rd child, and so on, skipping a house. Pluto rules his 11th house of the 4th child and is placed on a fatal degree.

His wife (Margaret) miscarried their fourth child. This placement also shows hard luck with friends (11th house, friendship).
Speaking of his wife, Venus is placed in his 9th house. Venus rules marriage and this house rules people from a different racial or cultural background.

People with a 9th house Venus may marry such a person. Margaret is of German descent from her mother's side.

Something else about the fixed star Regulus is that while it brings power, it usually brings disgrace and a fall from one's position of power. This is already happening to him. There's a possibility he'll be kicked out of office or disgraced.
His chart is also in a bucket configuration which is when all planets are clustered together and there's a stand alone planet making a sort of opposition to the rest, known as the 'handle' of the bucket.

This planet is usually very strong in its influence. In his case...'s the moon. This moon is also on a critical degree, 4˚ of a mutable sign (Gemini), in the 5th house (children). The moon rules the home. This shows that he is a family man and his children are very important to him and play a major role in his life. The moon also rules...
...his 7th house of marriage, again showing a prominent marriage life (7th house cusp is also on a critical degree as earlier mentioned).

Neptune (victimization) in his 10th house (father) shows that his dad victimized him in some way.

This house also rules the reputation.
Neptune (undermines) in the 10th house usually undermines the reputation. Since Neptune also rules addiction, he is known for this.

Libra (law and justice) on his 10th house (public) shows one who may be publicly tried as he was at the ICC.
I'll stop at that with his birth chart details, and move on to predictive Astrology and his life in another thread.
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