How to live a miserable life.

Let people influence your decisions

Make sure you never make a decision on your own.
Always consult other people and follow their advice.

Whatever your gut tells you, ignore it.
They probably know better than you do.
Expect the best from everyone

Always expect people to do right by you, even if they have no reason to do so.

Whenever your hopes are tied to someone, don't make sure to have insurances or a plan B.

Count on them to do everything correctly.
Take credit, don't invest and don't save

Live the moment.
Never think of tomorrow.

Credit is easy money, why work hard for it?

Plus it makes everything easier, you'll only need to pay a small interest so it's safe.
Keep your thoughts for yourself

Try as much as you can not to share what you think

You don't want to offend anyone

Keep everything to yourself

Especially when you disagree, let the others run the show for you.
Do your best to impress people

Don't be yourself and lose your identity according to who's around you

Try to please people and gain their approval.
Forget about your dreams, focus on what people want.

Guaranteed technique to be miserable.
If you do all of the stuff mentioned in this thread, you can be 100% sure to never be happy.

If you want a miserable life, this is the way.
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