Remote work is going to influence the travel business dramatically.

Here are some thought and opportunities 👇
1/ Airlines margins are about 6%.

This margin is made with business/first-class tickets.

This segment will go down by about 80% because of remote work.

As a result, economy class tickets will be significantly more expensive 📈
2/ Hotels will lose most business travelers forever.

Some people will fly to close a large deal with the customer in person.

But everything else is going to be handled remotely by Zoom, Docusign, etc.

Business hotels will desperately need to find other types of customers 🧐
3/ Remote work allows million of employees to work from anywhere.

The difference between work and vacation will dissolve.

Coliving spaces in lifestyle locations and attractive cities are going to thrive.

Good timing to start such a business:
4/ Coliving segment is populated with projects targeting digital nomad millennials.

Cater families with high income and allow them to be productive from countryside locations.

Package it with a nursery, kinder garden, activities for kids...

Free press coverage guaranteed ✌️
5/ Working remotely from a campervan sounds like a niche hippie travel trend 🚐

It has the potential to be a large rental market if you can make customers productive.

A friend of mine works remotely from New Zealand this month and makes all her Instagram followers jealous.
6/ Remote work will allow employees from large cities to spend more time in nature.

Glamping units designed for deep work will be in demand.

No internet? Sell a digital detox experience 📵🌱

The easiest way to start with glamping? Buy prefabs: 
7/ Relocation business ✈️

“If I was an entrepreneur with a lot of time I’d be looking into relocation businesses. Catalog of small towns, “parachute in” package with everything arranged, Geo-targeted ads in big cities.” - @tylertringas

Taxes and visas are the biggest hurdles 😬
8/ Remote companies need to meet 1-2x a year.

Spend a couple of days strategizing and team building. Companies like @surfoffice are already catering to this market.

It’s difficult to find hotels that are designed to host this type of corporate groups.
9/ Popular opinion: This is the perfect time to build a travel business that leverages remote work.
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