We're all loving the return of the UCL but in terms of football folklore, a fixture going down in Chile tonight may just be the most important match of the week.

It's a relegation playoff between CD Universidad & Colo Colo it has all of Chile holding it's breath. (THREAD)
It's all because the away side is Colo Colo, the country's biggest, most successful club, with 32 titles & the only Chilean Copa Libertadores trophy.

They have never even come close to relegation & the sheer thought of going down is causing all kinds of scenes across the country
From the ritualistic Grandma's doing their bit to convince the football sprits to keep them in the top tier. https://twitter.com/CaciqueENG/status/1361434759071686656
To the 5,000 fans outside who awaited the team bus outside the training ground for one last motivational encouragement https://twitter.com/CaciqueENG/status/1361732492751945729
And of course the club's Barra Bravas with their own take on motivation https://twitter.com/Millar_Colin/status/1361737473232142336
But the incredible support for this club wasn't just on show outside the training ground.

The team bus's entire 3 hour, 250 kilometre journey to the match has seen fans from all over the country gathering on the highway to try to motivate the players. https://twitter.com/Lanriquez8/status/1361735368844988418?s=20
But sympathy amongst other Chilean fans is in short supply as Colo Colo are a club that have never really been the most humble of winners. https://twitter.com/NickStoll/status/1361171066928861185
And there's one fanbase hoping to see Colo Colo go down more than any other.

Supporters of Club Universidad de Chile, Colo Colo's arch rivals, who spent one year in the the 2nd (B) tier back in 1989 & have been tormented by Colo Colo supporters with ghost of the 'B' for decades
Whatever happens tonight, one side of Chilean football is going to be celebrating wildly and one side is going to be absolutely devastated. We're not making predictions but in a country where club football means so much, we can't wait to see how it all unfolds.
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