Of sexual harassment in the workplace and Robert Mugabe's band of philanderers.

A short thread
You'll be hardpressed to find a more high-profile case of sexual harassment in the workplace than that of married Prime Minister Robert Mugabe's 'pursuit' of the young woman who would become his second wife.
As Prime Minister, and still married to Sally, Mugabe lusted after Grace Marufu, a young married typist in his office, the highest office in the land.
"I just grabbed and kissed her. She didn't resist," said Mugabe of the moment he finally gave physical expression to his lust. It's a textbook case of sexual harassment. He simply overwhelmed her with his power as a man and the power of the high office he held.
So, after we have had our fill of giggles over Vice President Kembo Mohadi's runaway libido, l hope we'll pause and reflect and realise that Mohadi's reported sex escapades and the accompanying 'fisticuffs' are no laughing matter.
Abigail, a married junior staffer in Mohadi's office, to all intents and purposes a trainee, had hardly finished unpacking her work notes when the Vice President pounced on her. A nod to Mugabe.
This latest sordid episode is a stark reminder that the men who occupy the highest offices in our country are bereft of morals, a band of plunderers and philanderers for whom nothing is sacred.
Because of his own lack of probity, Mugabe forfeited the moral authority to rein in his men's excesses. Mohadi will escape censure because Mnangagwa, just like his predecessor, does not have the moral authority to read his deputy the riot act for conduct unbecoming.
In fact, Mugabe knew he was surrounded by lying and cheating adulterers like himself.

Notice how he defended his prerogative to pardon Frederick Shava after the latter's conviction for perjury.
"Who among us has not lied? Yesterday you were with your girlfriend and you told your wife that you were with the Prime Minister. Should you get nine months for that?"

Has Mohadi brought the Office of the President into disrepute? No, the office was already in disrepute.
Kembo is wilding today served by manufactured erections, his virility fuelled by all manner of concoctions. He is doing his damnedest to keep alive a tradition started by Mugabe; powerful bosses preying on junior women (married) staffers.

Disgusting. Morally reprehensible.
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