At the end of most interviews, candidates are given a chance to ask the interviewers some questions. Many people wonder what they should be asking.

Here is a list of 21 GREAT questions you can ask. Choose two or three, you won't have time to ask all of them 😁
1. What does your ideal candidate look like and how do I compare?
2. What concerns/reservations do you have about me for this position?
3. What are the most important qualities for someone to excel in this role?
4. What is the typical career path for someone in this position?
5. What are the biggest opportunities/challenges facing company/department right now?
6. What is the most important thing I can accomplish in the first 60 days?
7. What is the most rewarding thing about this role?
8. What do you feel you are doing better than your competitors?
9. What do you think company can improve based on where your competitors are?
10. Can you describe characteristics of people you consider successful in this department/company?
11. What key qualities must 1 possess to be successful here? What could I do to exceed expectations?
12. What does a typical day look like for a person in this role? How much percent of the time is spent on each respective core activity?
13. Why is there a vacancy in this role?
14. What training and professional development is available for employees within the company?
15. Which other departments does a person in this role work closely with?
16. What has been the turnover of employees in this department for the last 2 years?
17. How long have people typically stayed in this role before being promoted?
18. What are the next steps in the interview process?
19. Who should I contact if I have further questions?
20. Can I expect communication even if I am unsuccessful in this process?
21. By when can I follow up if I do not hear anything?
Upgrade your interview skills
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