What is the Difference between

Namaskar & Namaste?
2. Very close answers by many of You.
The Purpose of my Question was awakening of Dharma, which I am happy many are aware.

So we will go in a Bit more Depth

Answer to this question lies in
Why Do We Say 'Surya Namaskar' &
Not 'Surya Namaste'?

Let's Dive...
3. First Let's Know About Anjali Mudra

Namaste or Namaskar is Done with Folded Hands called "Anjali Mudra" near Anahat Chakra (Heart)

The folded Hands instantly activates Memory and help people remember Names.

And the Atma that resides in Heart, Salutes the Other... but ..
4. And the Atma that resides in Heart, Salutes the Other... but who is this 'Other' Decides whether it is Namaste or Namaskar.

नमस्ते= नमः+ते ( आपको प्रणाम)
Salutation to You
नमस्कार = नमः+कार (प्रणाम करता हूँ)
I Perform the Salutation
5. नमस्ते we do one to one and mostly to people around/less than our age

नमस्कार - we do for plular/reverred target like Devas / Guru / A Gathering of People

Namaskar is done by body action like bowing down etc.

Hence 'Surya Namaskar' and not 'Surya Namaste'
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