My hope is that the actions of Jason Ward do not overshadow the good, important work of the science communication community or efforts of the Black women who co-organized #BlackBirdersWeek.
There are brilliant, powerful women at the heart of the STEM community along with men who choose to act as allies.
All it took for my original tweet about the blog to take off was an act of courage from one person who believed me. And it grew. And you all amplified my voice.
I’m speaking up for those who couldn’t. For those who tried to tell someone but were dismissed. Those who have endured the mental/physical effects of trauma.
The first step in protecting Black women is to listen to them. We have voices, thoughts, opinions, emotions. We are so strong, but are as fragile as any human.
I am astounded by the number of people who spoke out and by your generosity in donating toward legal fees. Thank you for believing me. Thank you for helping to protect others. If you know a civil attorney willing to take me on, please point them my way.
I am dealing with a mix of emotions. I need some time with my thoughts and my immediate support systems. I am stepping away from social media for the next few days to gather myself and my next plans of action.

Thank you so much.
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