Just so it's clear: Priya Ramani has been acquitted of defamation, MJ Akbar hasn't been convicted of rape.

When the court says "can't punish women for raising voice", it's deeply troubling for a country plagued by false rape cases where women escape scot-free for ruining lives.
Just wish there was as much bipartisan support for male victims of false allegations as there is for Priya Ramani winning a defamation case.

In 2013-14, more than half of the reports of sexual harassment/rape in Delhi were found false.

@MensDayOutIndia https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-38796457
The manner in which rape allegations are handled in India is destructive to say the least, and empowers women to use allegations as a tool to extract personal vendetta.

#MeToo has been a disaster in India. Not only has it created more male victims than it has helped female ones,
but also damaged the credibility of genuine rape allegations & stifled the voices of those who continue to remain unheard.

Reserve your personal judgments until MJ Akbar is actually convicted. Premature celebrations only betray your gender bias & bigotry. https://twitter.com/iRohanSachdeva/status/1307622107715530754

Good ol' media playing the judge and jury again.

Neither is she a victim, nor is MJ Akbar a rapist until proved in the court of law.

Normalising the casual use of terms is exactly how lives are ruined. Just stop. Wait for the official judgment. https://twitter.com/smitharnair/status/1361979312656707590
You can follow @iRohanSachdeva.
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