While CRG patrol the airwaves promoting their ‘one club’ policy of vaccination as route to date - not data - driven lifting of restrictions we still have lurking in wings the spectre of Dido Harding’s £20bn plus dysfunctional Test and Trace system

Vital to future strategy
1/ https://twitter.com/reicherstephen/status/1361961670944423937
What a functional Test and Trace system would look like has been evident from the beginning but ignored by government as it ploughed on with its management consultant powered centralise and privatise model creating new parallel systems which didn’t share data effectively
Dido Harding’s Test and Trace has received huge funding . TBF it is improving. Reported 2 weeks ago to be tracing 2 contacts for every positive case . By contrast LA and PH teams are tracing 10 . £22bn for Dido Harding’s set up and LA’s estimated to face £2bn funding gap
🤔 3/
Operation Moonshot was wrong approach for T&T programme which from outset had targets but no coherent strategy . Still casting a shadow on latest inchoate thinking emerging from government. Driven more by appeasing CRG than securing graduated and safe route out of Lockdown
Times’s report shows that Moonshot lives on and it has now been appropriated to Ticket and Test thinking as part of opening up . Which as Prof Reicher explains is precisely the wrong use for Lateral Flow Tests
Using them as part of a Ticket and Test approach to theatre , concerts and mass events would be wrong priority giving Green Light to false sense of security
Whereas the real difference Lateral Flow Tests can make is spotting the asymptomatic and giving a Red Light leading to self isolation. Which of course exposes another gap . Effective policies to support people in self isolation
If Johnson is truly ‘resolute’ and determined to make this the Final Lockdown he needs to stop appeasing CRG . Which has been a major contributor to his long history of Covid Policy Failure . Decide on data not dates and fix gaps in strategy which have been there from start
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