The reemergence of the IMF into the Kenyan debt system is something that should be a cause of worry to many.

The IMF/ World Bank is infiltrated and run by economic hitmen.

A this traces back to a booklet created in the USA named, Modern Money Mechanics.

Long #Thread
First things first. Money is debt and debt is money. The more money there is, the more debt there is. Only way money can come into existence is through loans.
"If there were no debts in our money system, there wouldn't be any money." Marriner Eccles Governor Federal Reserve 1941.
As I said earlier, we will focus on where all this started and how it later spread to the rest of the world. The last time in American history the national debt was completely paid off was 1835 after President Andrew Jackson shutdown the Central bank.
What Public debt does it to compound inflation. Which has become a constant in the economy. Where new money is needed to help cover the perpetual deficit built into the system.
Polite reminder: Debt is the weapon used to conquer and enslave societies and interest is its prized ammunition.

"There are two ways to conquer a nation. One by the sword. The other by debt". - John Adams 1735-1826.
In the early 1950's there emerged a group that referred to themselves as economic hitmen. They are responsible for creating the first truly global empire where they work in many different ways.....
the most common is to identify a country, that has resources their corporation covet like oil and minerals. They then arrange a huge loan to the country using entities like IMF and World Bank
The money never actually goes to the country instead it goes to their big corporations to build infrastructure in the country, roads (Nrb Express Way) ports power plants etc. This only serves to benefit a few rich people and really doesn't help the people at all
the whole country is then eft holding a huge debt. That they can't repay, and that's part of the plan. So the economic hitmen come with a counter offer against the debt owed & demand concessions to their resources or building military bases or
having the country privatize their electricity company or privatize their water and sewer systems, this is so typical of the IMF and World Bank. They put a country in such a debt it cannot repay. So what they do is to refinance the debt & pay more interest and demand a quid pro
quo, this quid pro quo is veiled with fancy terms like "conditionality" or "good governance" See the case in point of Kenya where the conditionality, was for the govt to increase taxes? Really
There are countries that have been through this rut since the 1950's and will try give some and the connection will be very clear.
1. Iran 1953 then ruled by Mossadegh who made policies that demanded foreign corporations paid the country for the oil they took from Iran
This did not sit well with the Americans & a CIA operative, Kermit Roosevelt, a relative of then president Roosevelt was sent into Iran with millions of dollars and Mossadegh was ousted and replaced by the Shah of Iran
The economic hitmen were supposed to work in secrecy and in the event they got caught. Nothing would link it to the US government so most carried out these clandestine operations under the guise of being consultants to victim was.....
Arbenz of Guatemala, another leader who prioritized the interest of the people over those of foreign nations. In his quest to bring better economic policies for Guatemalans, a US company United fruit that held a monopoly on indigenous land was not pleased and ran a dirty
smear campaign to paint Arbenz as a soviet puppet. That marked his end as he was also ousted. Next was Ecuador 1981, this South American country had its fair share of Pro-US dictators until Jiame Valdes Aguilera took over
He had successfully ran on a promise of liberating the indigenous people with their resources to help them but he never lived to see that materialize as he was assassinated through a plane crash, that had all the traces of the US hand in it.
Another of his South American neighbor in the Panama suffered a similar fate as Jiame in 1981. His name was Omar Torrijos. He is best remembered for renegotiating the return of the Panama canal to the Panamanians with Jimmy Carter. A bomb hidden in a record was used to kill him
Venezuela 2002. Before 1998. This country was run by corrupt dictators favored & protected by the US. Then Hugo Chavez took the reigns of power & stood up to the US, who later sent in the jackals to finish the job but they failed as the people were behind Chavez,
Venezuela currently and Nicolas Maduro who was the deputy to Chavez is going through the shits, bread is more valuable than gold and the country is where it is courtesy of internal strife and mechanizations from the economic hit men
Lastly, back to Iraq, 2003 then still under Saddam Hussein. The US favoured his dictatorship as he ensured they drilled oil through their corporations until things went south. They tried to assassinate him but failed. Remember Saddam himself was once used by the CIA to oust
another Iraqi President but failed. The hitmen went back to the drawing board and used their last card at play, "the military" when then US president George Bush claimed Saddam had WMD, they used the military to turn against an ally and finish the job.
Later on, the Americans, through Halliburton corporation, once directed by former VP, Dick Cheney, the construction company would try rebuild Iraq. The results of this are still visible to this day.
My parting shot is the IMF will destroy Kenya and any other country taking up loans with them because it is not in their interest to build the countries but enslave them with loans while enriching themselves.
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