Splatoon didn't exist when we last had a new Donkey Kong game.
Neither did Undertale.
Star Wars hadn't been revived yet back when the last Donkey Kong game came out.
Nobody laughed or rolled their eyes when they heard the name Martha when we last got a Donkey Kong game.

And nobody knew what an Ant-Man was.
Andrew Garfield was still actively playing Spider-Man when the last Donkey Kong game came out.
Shovel Knight is younger than the newest Donkey Kong Country game.
Five Nights at Freddy's didn't exist when we last got a Donkey Kong game (not counting Mario vs Donkey Kong).
Jurassic World is younger than the newest Donkey Kong game.
The last Hobbit movie came out after the newest Donkey Kong game (not counting Mario vs Donkey Kong).
Legend of Korra ended after the last Donkey Kong game (not counting Mario vs Donkey Kong).
Between shows and movies, there have been 4 Scooby Doo reboots since the newest Donkey Kong game (5 if you count the recently announced Velma show).
The current Doctor on Doctor Who was the Eleventh Doctor (we're now on Thirteen and have been for 3 years) when the newest Donkey Kong game came out (not counting Mario vs Donkey Kong).
Kung Fu Panda and Ice Age were still active franchises when the last Donkey Kong game came out.
The MonsterVerse (that's the ongoin Godzilla & Kong & others continuity) didn't exist when the newest Donkey Kong game came out (not counting Mario vs Donkey Kong).
Terminator has been rebooted twice since the last Donkey Kong game.
Kojima was still at Konami when we last got a new Donkey Kong game.
Ghostbusters hadn't been rebooted yet when the last Donkey Kong game came out.
Universal's Dark Universe hadn't been created when the last Donkey Kong game came out.
Joss Whedon was still working for Marvel when the last Donkey Kong game came out.
JK Rowling hadn't even begun to ruin her legacy back when Donkey Kong last had a new game (i.e. the Fantastic Beasts franchise hadn't been started yet and Cursed Child also didn't exist, also she wasn't /openly/ transphobic yet).
Netflix wasn't using its current logo and branding back when we last got a new Donkey Kong game (not counting Mario vs Donkey Kong).
Stranger Things didn't exist back when we last got a new Donkey Kong game.
The only Arrowverse show that existed back when we last got a new Donkey Kong game was Arrow itself.
Wrinkly Kong was alive for less time than the amount of time that has passed since the last Donkey Kong game.
NES Remix was still alive when we last got a new Donkey Kong game.
Information about the newest Donkey Kong Country game was announced at the Spike Video Game Awards.

Not the Game Awards. The Spike Video Game Awards that existed BEFORE the Game Awards.
Game Freak's last year off was the year after the release of the last Donkey Kong Country game (since they were making the DLC last year so they didn't have last year off).
Discord didn't exist when we last got a new Donkey Kong game.
AOL Instant Messenger still existed when the last Donkey Kong game released.
Club Penguin was still alive when we last got a new Donkey Kong game.
People still thought the idea of 'President Trump' was a Simpsons joke when we last got a new Donkey Kong game.
The John Wick franchise is younger than the newest Donkey Kong game (not counting Mario vs Donkey Kong).
46 games with Mario in them have been released since the last new Donkey Kong Country game.
Donkey Kong's cinematic debut happened after the last Donkey Kong game.
Playtonic Games didn't even exist when we last got a new Donkey Kong game (not counting Mario vs Donkey Kong).
Pewdiepie wasn't considered a controversial figure when we last got a new Donkey Kong game.
. @Alex_Olney's first Nintendo Life article was released after the release of the last Donkey Kong game (not counting Mario vs Donkey Kong).
There have been three live action Jokers since the last Donkey Kong game (counting Gotham's "he's not the Joker but he is" Joker).
Eight different actors have (technically) played live-action versions of Bruce Wayne since the last Donkey Kong game (though one of them was technically just Hush with Bruce Wayne's face, also this is including Robert Pattinson even though his movie isn't out yet).
A dog born when the last Donkey Kong game came out (not counting Mario vs Donkey Kong) would be 49 dog years old.
Rare Replay is younger than the newest Donkey Kong game.
Amiibo are younger than the newest Donkey Kong game (not counting Mario vs Donkey Kong).
Brawl was the newest Smash game when the last Donkey Kong game came out (not counting Mario vs Donkey Kong)...and it was 6 years old.
The Snyder Cut movement started and got what they wanted before we got a new Donkey Kong game.
PUBG wasn't even out yet when we last got a new Donkey Kong game.
Twitch Plays Pokemon started 2 days before the last Donkey Kong game (not counting Mario vs Donkey Kong) came out. They've beaten over 60 games now.
Overwatch is younger than the newest Donkey Kong game.
The oldest Scott the Woz video on the Scott the Woz channel is younger than the newest Donkey Kong game.
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