I often get dms from young leaders running NGOs, asking for advice on funding. How to get it, who to approach, what kind of characteristics you should be looking for in a #funder etc.
A recurring theme lately has been questions relating to funder commitment, so here it goes: 🙌
Some advice (sometimes disheartening) but important nonetheless. ⚠️

As "hot topics" change, so do funders interests. It is VERY rare for funders to stick around for the long haul. So invest your time & energy wisely. ☀️
Find those gems who really want to END the issue you are working on. ✨ Those who recognize that #change doesn't happen overnight, and are invested in putting in the work, together, to solve these issues for good. 💪
They'll be true partners planning for #SystemicChange (not short term ones), will ask about 10 year strategies, exit plans & multi-annuals. The end goal is always on their minds & they won't get distracted. They know the commitment needed for real change (& aren't afraid of it).
They'll help you grow but also hold you accountable (which is good!). They'll want you to learn, but also want to learn from you. And they'll care about your people, their mental & physical well-being ❤️ They know & respect the lifelong commitment your team has made to this work.
They'll recognize that 'core costs' are vital to the successful running of any #NGO & that without funding them, they're pretty much saying they're okay with exploiting people. 🙄

They are not afraid to commit & plan because they are in it to END suffering. Not just uphold it.🙌
You are going to come across many people who want to fund you, until the next exciting thing comes along. It's disheartening & difficult but don't forget that many of these funders don't want to be in it for the long haul & THAT'S OKAY 🙂. It's their prerogative. Respect that.✌️
So it will be up to YOU. Start planning now, research and put in the hard work to find funding partners who truly align with your mission & values. If people come on board as short term funders, great, thank them! 👏 But always be on the lookout for those gems.✨ They ARE there.
And I promise you, just as much as you are looking for them 👀 - they are looking for incredible ngos to partner with too. 👍 So put your name out there, work hard, & never stop fighting. I believe in you!
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