When I was in school, I was too wee, too poor and teachers said I was stupid. They could't see 'any potential'.

I walked to school in shoes that had holes, and cardboard insoles that got soggy. I knew extreme hunger and poverty.

My school absence record was around 50%.
(I still have the report cards)

We lived in a slum and were often without electricity. Washing was a luxury.

I dreamed of better a life.

I worked hard. Studied. Learned. Grew. Developed.

Today, I am well enough off to be a Tory, and smart and caring enough, not to be.
And so I see a parallel with Scotland. Echoes of my life.

Someone telling us we are too wee, too poor and too stupid.

Having a vision of something better.

Fighting for that vision.

Achieving success and independence

And always staying true to values or caring & fairness.
What a society Scotland can become once we are unchained.
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