pls direct all ur focus to the #FINDSAI hashtag and stay updated!! under this tweet im gonna link to threads w/ updates, ressources, etc!!
@theesudani is doing a wonderful job at keeping all upcoming information abt #FINDSAI in this thread
audio of the police radio in the police dispatch in columbus allegedly in regards to #FINDSAI
a thread of photos w/ recent-ish photos of sai to help identify them (pls add if u have more!!!) #FINDSAI
another update from @theesudani,
but let's remain vigilant and keep to #FINDSAI until we see & hear her safe and sound w/ a close friend & confirmed location!!! & a reminder to take ss of DMs, insta stories, etc w/ a grain of salt until we get a direct response from sai
notes from sai's alleged friend, but we're still awaiting proof/verification that sai's currently safe #FINDSAI
not sure of the validity of this claim either, but it doesn't hurt to get a missing person's report out there!! if anyone has any means to contact their roommates or anyone close enough to know sai's last name, #, etc, pls do so!! #FINDSAI
someone's found a possible match for who sai orginally described in their first ig vid on #FINDSAI in the columbus area, hoping this lead can get us closer to getting sai safe & sound
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