👀Breakdown of 🐳Metawhale🐳 Key Features 👀
#whatismetawhale #DeFi @Meta_Whale
Advanced monetary policy.

The protocol compounds the outdated traditional deflationary and inflationary monetary policies into a hybrid, complex, dynamic, and intelligent solution, to prevent a currency implosion through monopolization or deflationary pressure.
Self-filling liquidity generation.

Every time the respective temporary reserve action gets managed, 15% of its value will be permanently locked into liquidity, steadily increasing the price floor.
Self-filling reserve assets.

Every time the respective temporary reserve action gets managed, the contract inflates the total reserve value by buying its allocated tokenized reserve asset and adding it to its permanent reserve.
Rewarding protocol management.
Every action taken to manage the protocols is rewarded with 1% of the total temporary reserve.
Claimable reserve assets.

Once a cycle ends, reserve assets will become claimable by holders depending on their individual share.
Ultra-deflationary and elastic protocol.

Every tx burns a small % of the total supply
(Buy/Transfer - 1.25%, Sell - 2.5%).

The protocol runs in cycles, at which end a rebase to the initial supply takes place. This leads to deflationary perpetual arbitrage opportunities.
NFT dividends.

Each token generates passive income for NFT holders corresponding to their quality and features.
Forced sell & inactivity burn mechanism.

To comply with the ultra-deflationary approach, token holders are forced to stay active and generate volume or risk a forced sell of 5% of their total holding to wETH (every 35 days) or a complete loss due to inactivity (after 122 days).
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