There’s power in the word #MOTHER. There’s love, hope, future, nurture, comfort, home, belonging, warmth, a heart beat, a breast, wide open arms you can run into & a face & voice you’ll never forget in the word MOTHER. 1/
But most of all humanity’s entire history lies in the word MOTHER.

“Gestational parent” is cold, detached, clinical & devoid of the emotional bonds that tie most of us to our MOTHERS like an invisible umbilical cord. “Gestational parent” implies a child is born out of a 2/
soulless vacuum.

There’s method to this authoritarian & dehumanising change of language in policy & law & it has nothing to do with “inclusivity”.

One of the main tenets of Queer Theory is that children are sexual beings, like adults. That they can consent to sex. That 3/
incest is natural.

So, if we disconnect the mother/child bond in policy & law & in the minds of all those instrumental in making/changing policy & law. If we disconnect the warrior woman who will fight to the death for her child from the word MOTHER 4/
& from all it’s historical connotations, then women become powerless. MOTHER becomes meaningless. “Gestational parents” [flesh vessel incubators] churn out infants. The infants are deemed the responsibility of the state 5/
and erasing child protection & #safeguarding policy and law will become a breeze.

Obviously this cant happen overnight, but think of how far theyve moved forward with their agenda in the last 40 years. Who’d have dreamt 11-13 yr olds would be taught anal, choking & rough sex 6/
at school & shown porn videos, or advised where to look for them? Who could have imagined the advice to teach masturbation in primary schools (from age 3/4) would be seriously considered! Who could have imagined children would be given games to play in sex ed normally reserved 7/
for Hen/Stag/swingers parties.

Just look at how far theyve progressed. They’ve convinced entire generations of children that they can be “born in the wrong body”, that biological sex is an illusion & that they can change their entire body to fit how they feel at a whim, like 8/
flipping a switch, that they have a “glitter family” who loves them more than their real family & that knows what’s best for them. They’ve indoctrinated these children into believing that their parents, their MOTHERS are evil bigots who they should detach themselves from 9/
, lie to, hide things from & make the decision to irreversibly modifying their bodies without their knowledge. This is grooming in plain sight & it’s being sanctioned by the state.

“Gestational parent” is just another step in completely detaching MOTHER from children 10/
in law.

I wonder what their timeline is in achieving the ultimate goal: to make “inter generational sex with minors” legal, whatever the age of the child. /End
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