What does VC "value add" look like? It's a vague & confusing term for many founders. What should you expect from a VC?

Varies by VC, but here are Q1 examples of my "value add." What it means to me:

(Also-I try not to give unsolicited feedback. Let founders do their job.)
-Intro to legal counsel for compliance issues

-Reviewed an SEC no-action letter

-Intro'd other investors for round (3 commits from my intros)

-Helped finalize/dial back allocations for oversubscribed round

-Did diligence calls with prospective investors re deal I committed to
-Intro to a strategic partner

-Intro to a city official in a city a startup wants to expand to

-Detailed, written out product feedback notes

-Advised on how to work with media (they got some bad advice)

-Emotional support any time :)
These are some examples. Doesn’t mean someone else doesn’t provide equal or better value add in a different way. This is just to help brainstorm ways in which you can work with your investors.
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