New Orleans' Mardi Gras parade was cancelled due to COVID-19 so people have been transforming homes into #YardiGras house floats. This brings me joy so I want to share it with y'all. Please chime in if you recognize artists or houses so credit can be given where it's due!
More New Orleans #YardiGras floats
New Orleans #YardiGras floats: Politics edition
Even more #YardiGras floats in New Orleans from LEGO to "House Wine"
Here's a few more magical #YardiGras house floats in New Orleans I just couldn't resist sharing
Some New Orleans #YardiGras floats to remind y'all to wear a mask & stay home as much as possible during the COVID-19 pandemic so we can all enjoy Mardi Gras next year please 💜💚💜💚💜
"legalize weeds"
I don't know why but I love this #YardiGras house in New Orleans that just put a giant juice box of Franzia wine on the steps out front and was like we are done, this is a masterpiece
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