My experience as a sahm in Colorado matches the experience described in this article. This is a huge part of why I don't want to move back to the US. Traditional models of family life are no longer viable, but no one is willing to entertain the idea of change.
In American minds the idea of living in an apartment is equated with being poor, yet in most of the world apartments are the norm and that association just doesn't exist. Just build some darn apartments, people! It's not the end of the world!!
By living in a country with a super high population density I reap all kind of benefits. I have high quality public transportation. I have shops and restaurants of all kinds within walking distance. I save so much money by not owning a car. I am much healthier.
Schools are bigger while still drawing on a similar geographical area. Bigger schools are able to off more services at affordable rates, like clubs, sports, after school child care, classes in specialized subjects. My kids go to a "small" school but still have swimming pool.
Sad you won't have a yard? Buy a condo in a development that has a playground, swimming pool, and/or indoor playroom.Your kids will have more fun, make more friends, and you will never have to mow the lawn. All for a much lower price than your giant lonely suburb house.
Care about the environment? Living in an apartment is one of the easiest things you can do to drastically reduce your environmental benefits impact. Sprawling rows of individual houses is environmentally stupid.
I never thought I'd be one of those people that hates the suburbs, but once I left the US I saw how obvious the solution to this housing crisis is. Apartments! Just build apartments and let go of the stigma. You have more to gain than you realize.
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