i don't trust any parent who builds a brand/career around their minor child being trans. the kid is gonna see that and what if they deidentify, but are afraid to say so since they know what their parent's "thing" is?
like, it's one thing to advocate for protections and care for your child. It's one thing to write about them and their identity when they're a full adult. but that's different than like, the shit Jazz's parents or the parents of that kid on the Nat Geo cover did.
and even if they don't deidentify...you've made them famous as a trans kid. What if they wanna be stealth? What if their idea of trans is very different from yours? I feel like there's gonna be a massive rebellion of famous Trans Kids (tm) in the next few decades+
and while I don't think they'll all detranstion or be opposed to medical transition, I think a lot of them will just be mad about how they were marketed and had the struggles of their childhood presented to the world.
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