Tonight I received my own official trading card from Panini.

It’s one of the coolest gifts I’ve ever received... for two reasons:

1. Every athlete dreams of having their own trading card
2. I missed the chance to have my first trading card 12 years ago...

The year is 2009,
It’s my junior season.
I’m a starting linebacker at Nebraska.

Every day I walk into the facilities, I pass the north stadium security desk.

On the counter is a stack of Nebraska football schedule cards.
The senior football players get their own schedule card each year.

It’s the first trading card for all of them — and for most Huskers, it’s the only trading card they’ll ever have.

As a junior in 2009 I knew I was one year away from having my own schedule card.
The season starts and we’re kicking ass.

The Blackshirts were the top defense in the country in 2009 — holding our opponents to 10.4 points per game.

Dude on left had a little bit to do with that.

Dude on the right had a LOT to do with that.
All was going well — until midway through my the season...

I suffered my fourth concussion in a little over a year.

I was forgetting people’s names, the playbook, where I was.

It was scary.

To protect my longterm health,
I hung up the cleats.
A month later, Coach Bo surprised me by honoring me alongside the seniors on senior night.

Running out of the tunnel the last time in a uniform was something I dreamt of.

Just never expected I’d be wearing khakis.
When I think back to that night of mixed emotions, I reflect on the things I’d accomplished...

Named a blackshirt
Selected game captain
Undergrad & MBA degrees

I got everything I ever wanted from Nebraska.
Well... almost everything.

I never got that senior schedule card.
Fast forward 12 years and I open an unexpected delivery from Panini.

Inside is a stack of trading cards.
I see the Huskers logo on one side.
I flip them over and see...


It’s MY card.
My first trading card.
How did this happen?

The day my football career ended, my professional career began.

I’ve dedicated my career to helping athletes realize sports don’t last forever — and to make the most of their moments in the spotlight.
The crazy part — missing senior year meant no trading card but it set me down a path to start @opendorse.

That led to a @PaniniAmerica partnership that led to a @Prush55 friendship that led to...

My OWN frikkin trading card.

Gotta love how life works sometimes.
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