brian doing more for crypto than any dude named winklevoss ever could
what's crazy is that Rudnick is currently locked in a bidding war w/ the creator of vine ( @dhof), for what is essentially a fake of his work. minted by some dude who's just funny on twitter

there are some things you can't explain
this bid table is unbelievably chaotic. offers range from:

- $1 from david rudnick, if he resells brian gets 100% of profit
- 20 UNI (~$400), from dom w/ similar reselling mechanism
- .5 ETH (~$900) from an anon bidder, if they resell, brian gets 25%
sell-on share mechanism is super underrated imo, if rudnick resold the fake brian could possibly net more than any of the existing bids here

a gamble to consider
also of note is the .1 $FWB bid ( @FWBtweets), whose sole value is derived by the fact that 55 $FWB gives you access to an exclusive Discord
tbh, I love the idea of brian selling the fake back to rudnick and it living in his collection for all eternity. has very big "NFT machine go brrrrr energy" and the fake becomes a meaningful part of rudnick's practice, outside of a funny meme
honestly, this is crazy to me. imagine trying to sell a knockoff supreme bogo tee to james jebbia, that he then sells on his store on grailed

this is exactly what's going on. crypto is nuts
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