so i was gonna meet a friend at a bar but they flaked when i was halfway here so here i am. i’m listening to a date and it’s AMAZING.
she is batshit and he is agreeing with whatever looking to get laid. amazing.
she’s a libra and he’s a gemini. he “can see both sides of 9/10 political issues”

they are both clearly white
SHE SAID SHE DID A TED TALK “advocating for sexual violence”

he did not question or correct this. i should leave
she just told this dude her love languages and she has three but basically she’s codependent. i feel his eyes widening.

she is writing a book. she just “doesn’t take no for an answer”

this dude is fucked
she is starting an NPO to pass a bill about her TED talk. i am so lost
she has visions. she had a vision that she was going to write a book and be engaged by the end of 2021.

“i have helped like a thousand people and everyone, every teacher i’ve ever had, has told me that i’m MEANT FOR SOMETHING.”

she is going to run for office. also i guess the talk is about sex education too? i don’t know what’s happening. she doesn’t believe in abstinence and he’s on the fence... bc of course
“the patriarchy has caused women’s to not say what they need to orgasm.”

“aw shit i agree with that. like... tell me what’s goin on right?”

“am i making you uncomfortable?”


“i’m a very open human being”

“uh huh”

“how would you rate this date?”
“hell yes. great.”

“so like a 9/10?”

“oh for sure”

“i just can’t not be myself”


“all my friends say i’m just myself all the time.”


“i had a teacher who asked what we wanted to be when we grow up and they all said teacher or mom or whatever and i said-
“i want to be president of the united states.”


“i have to go i have a job interview tomorrow. i have to go.”


“yeah i need to be in person for interviews so i can feel their energies”

she wants to have three kids. forgot to mention.

fuck ima go pee
i think she might have too much confidence. aw fuck now he’s peeing. do i chat her up? no. no sir. do not.
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