One of my MAJs goes home early, takes stuff via Teams so his spouse can study and get help w kids. He just asked if he could come out of the field during gunnery to do a fam thing. (Said yes, of course.) I think he’s great. He’s gonna be the BDE XO, so I guess my boss agrees. /1
One of the best officers I know is calling it quits bc he realizes he can’t preserve his fam and keep working. Me and one of my best friends (another LTC) struggled w the same tension - we both failed, both lost our wives. I’m glad this other guy is getting right. /2
Another leader’s name was maybe in the hat for a big deal job. He thought on it and will decline if asked bc his fam needs him. Might hurt his chances for command - but like we agreed, so what? /3
Reminded my boss I’m missing a WFX & part of gunnery for paternity leave this quarter. He said - okay, so what? I reminded him I was gonna have only one MAJ for some of that. He laughed and said “well, I guess him and your CSM got it”. /4
A couple of the other commanders and I talked to my boss about officer moves today. He had a plan to do one thing; we asked him to change it so we could give a leader some stability to take care of some personal issues, and he agreed. /5
A junior staff officer told me he’s got a soldier who feels like she let the team down by getting unexpectedly pregnant with her second child before our deployment. I’ll reassure her tomorrow, remind her I need good ppl on rear-d, ask her for parenting tips for my own kid. /6
Don’t get me wrong, this is the worst OPTEMPO I’ve had in 18 years - this shit is bananas

But I think that makes *more* of a case for running things the way we’re trying to do it around here
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