“African Americans adopted Christianity, but they also adapted Christianity. They made it their own.” @YNPierce
Why is there such a s thing as the “Black Church”?

“Harsh though it may sound, the facts of history nevertheless bear out this truth: there would be no black church without racism in the white church.”
When we did our first national conference for @TheWitnessBCC, it was essential that we held it at a historic Black church. Ebenezer Missionary Baptist in #Chicago (Bronzeville)
"The African Methodist Episcopal Church was really not founded because of theological differences, it was founded because of racial differences. Black people wanted to be able to worship in dignity." @vashtimckenzie
How do you talk to your kids about race? Watch #BlackChurchPBS. I'm watching with a 10 year old and grateful for the help of scholars of the Black Church and Black religion.
@esglaude @vashtimckenzie @YNPierce @MichaelEDyson @marthasjones_ @HenryLouisGates et al.
The Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 was one of the legal and political catalysts that led to the Civil War.
"I am not nor have I ever been in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races.” ~ Abraham Lincoln "The Great Emancipator"
For more on Henry McNeal Turner, you simply must follow: @aejohnsonphd
You can follow @JemarTisby.
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